1976年滋賀県生まれ。 ストリートアートを基本とし情熱的で生命力溢れるタッチで、国内外の企業広告やアパレルブランドとのコラボレーション、 また音楽関連のビジュアルや壁画など幅広く手掛ける。また、即興で繰り広げられるダイナミックなライブペインティングは 世界中からのオファーも絶えず多くの観客を魅了する。 2011年にはUKのフットボールクラブ、Liverpool FCとメインスポンサーであるCarlsbergが共同制作したCMに メインアーティストとして出演している他、同年、南アフリカの元大統領ネルソン・マンデラの娘、ジンジ・マンデラの 50歳のバースデーパーティーにアーティストとして招待されライブペインティングショーを披露する。
Japanese artist Dragon76, is an immensely successful painter, specialising in large scale live painting at galleries, music events and alternative spaces world wide. He simultaneously studied oil painting at Osaka College of Art and graffiti outside the education system. Born in Shiga, and based in Yokohama, his work frequently appears in all manor of publications, on record sleeves, clothes ranges and in advertising campaigns. Dragon’s intricate and complex style is rooted in a combination of Graffiti, Manga and Ukiyo-e. Landscapes and figures defined by black shadow, mimicking traditional block printing, are superimposed upon textured layers of vibrant colour. Working fast, in classic graffiti “throw up” style Dragon76 paints with acrylic and marker pen as well as using stencilling techniques. Watching his process, which he often exposes by painting front of an audience, allows a full appreciation of the level skill and vision he has. Particularly inspired by themes of co-existence, Dragon76 aims to spread a contemporary message of peace, harmony and revolution, exemplified by his participation in projects painting murals onto the walls of refugee and peace camps as well as highlighting prejudice by depicting current affairs and protests. “I will be so glad if they can feel positive energy which I felt from graffiti and minority culture though my painting” Be it music, dance, bathing in sunshine or marching against injustice, his talent lies in capturing an energy that conveys action, Dragon76 creates stunning works that feel as well as look wonderful.